Golden Sun's Field Psynergies

1) Avoid
Encounter fewer monsters.

Element: Water
PP Cost: 5

2) Carry
Lift and move light objects.

Element: Earth
PP Cost: 2

3) Catch
Grab Light objects from afar.

Element: Earth
PP Cost: 1

4) Cloak
Hide in shadows.

Element: Water
PP Cost: 1

5) Douse
Douse fire with water.

Element: Water
PP Cost: 5

6) Force
Strike a distant object.

Element: N/A
PP Cost: 2

7) Frost
Freeze puddles of water.

Element: Water
PP Cost: 5

8) Growth
Stimulate the growth of vines.

Element: Earth
PP Cost: 4

9) Halt
Stop a moving object.

Element: Wind
PP Cost: 2

10) Lift
Lift an object vertically.

Element: Water
PP Cost: 2

11) Mind Read
Read someone's mind.

Element: Wind
PP Cost: 1

12) Move
Move an object on the ground.

Element: Fire
PP Cost: 2

13) Retreat
Return to the dungeon's entrance.

Element: Earth
PP Cost: 6

14) Reveal
Percieve hidden truths.

Element: Wind
PP Cost: 1

15) Whirlwind
Clear away vines with a strong wind.

Element: Wind
PP Cost: 5