Golden Sun's Items

I - Medicines

1) Antidote
Herb used to cure poison.

Price: 20

2) Herb
Recovers up to 50 HP.

Price: 10

3) Elixir
Cures delusion, stun and sleep.

Price: 30

4) Nut
Restores up to 200 HP.

Price: 200

5) Vial
Restores up to 70 HP.

Price: 500

6) Water of Life
Restores a fallen ally to life.

Price: 3,000

7) Potion
Restores all of the user's HP.

Price: 750

8) Psy Crystal
Restores all of the user's PP.

Price: 1,500

II - Battle Items

9) Bramble Seed
Used in battle. Summons a thorny attack against the enemy.

Price: 50

10) Crystal Powder
Used in battle. Summons an ice storm against the enemy.

Price: 60

11) Oil Drop
Used in battle. Summons a fiery attack against the enemy.

Price: 30

12) Sleep Bomb
Used in battle. Produces an aroma that makes enemies fall asleep.

Price: 60

13) Smoke Bomb
Used in battle. Produces enough smoke to blind an enemy.

Price: 30

14) Weasel's Claw
Used in battle. Summons a fierce wind attack against the enemy.

Price: 40

III - Miscellaneous Items

15) Game Ticket
Special tickets given out when you purchase items at stores. Use to play the Slot Game in Tolbi.

Price: 50

16) Lucky Medal
Special medals that you can toss into the Tolbi Fountain for special prizes.

Price: 100

17) Sacred Feather
Reduces monster encounters for a short while.

Price: 70